Our flight to london departs monday at 10pm, so in preparation for our crazy two month european adventure, i'm linking up with this five on friday to talk all about travel essentials. and i'd love to know what's on your list!
1. a bag that fits two months worth of your life
my luggage game was severely lacking before this trip, so i took the opportunity to invest in a really useful new bag. i packed it up yesterday and it's AMAZING. it holds so much, and is really well organized. plus, it's a backpack, rolling suitcase, and duffel all in one. if you're in the market for new luggage, check this one out.
2. a posh passport case
ok, also a passport, but who cares about that "necessity". far more important to have a luxurious case surrounding it so when you hand it to passport control, they know that you mean business. ok, also, they don't care. but anyways, it is a necessity! i love this one. and i think i need it.
3. a lightweight walking-around-cities bag
no need to lug my tote bag with half my belongings when we're wandering around paris. i bought this really cute and easy to carry cross body bag from the gap to keep the just the basics and leave everything else at our airbnb rental.
4. yes to blueberries cleansing facial wipes
ah yes, the dreaded transatlantic flight. having grown up mostly in europe, i know them well. this time, i'm going to be prepared to step off that plane fresh as a daisy. well, my face at least. these wipes smell so great, and will be excellent to have on hand to clean off a long day of travel.
5. lemon squeezer
no, this is real! not a joke. one of my morning rituals as soon as i wake up is squeezing half a lemon into a mug of warm water and drinking it while i make my coffee. since we'll be in so many new places, i wanted to bring a little piece of 'home' and make sure i built it into my soon to be completely changed routine. so it's in my bag! and it'll get a ton of use. by the way, if you're curious about why lemons are so great for you, check this article out.
ok, now it's your turn! what's on your list of travel essentials?