Saturday, June 28, 2014

a walking tour of semur-en-auxois

last thursday, while blake's parents were still here, we took a stroll from the village's main square that the tourism office recommends. it was about three miles, and it hits all of the major sites in semur-en-auxois. it also basically confirms the fact that we are living in a fairytale. a fairytale with a disappointing lack of kale and unsweetened almond milk, but a fairytale nonetheless.

here's some of what we saw! it's a lot like the upper east side of new york, as you can see... and by a lot like, i mean nothing like. still can't believe this is where we get to hang out for another three weeks!


  1. Gorgeous pictures, it definitely looks like a fairytale world and so serene!

  2. So dreamy! I think I've told you this before, but we have close family friends who have a home in Cravant, not too far from you. T and I are the only ones in the family who haven't gone to stay with them yet - I hate it!

    1. you HAVE to make a trip next summer! just don't stay for six weeks ;) two would be more than enough to enjoy the scenery and all the wine. oh god, all the wine! i can't bear to think of leaving it behind...
